Ayurveda an Enigma to many.

So what is Ayurveda, literally it means “science of life.” so is it a simply a lifestyle or a concoctions of recipes from our kitchen? For many of us Ayurveda is an enigma and for the rest of us it is an ambiguous statement.

World Health Organization (WHO) realized at Alma Ata in 1978 the role of traditional, alternative and complementary systems of medicine in the healthcare sectors of both developing and the developed nations with the slogan of “Health for All”. As per definition, “Traditional medicine is the knowledge, skills and practices of holistic healthcare, recognized and accepted for its role in the maintenance of health and the treatment of diseases. It is based on indigenous theories, beliefs and experiences that are passed on from generation to generation”

Ayurveda is complete science, aimed at treating aliments, under the purview of 8 branches from general medicine to surgery. It integrated pharmaceutical preparations, with wholesome dietics, as well as corrective physical mental and spiritual means; in order to get complete cure. The dictionary meaning of Ayurveda is “a Traditional Hindu system of medicine, incorporated in Artharva Veda, based on an idea of balance in bodily systems using diet , herbs and yogic breathing “.

This 5000 year old science , has defined itself comprehensively

“ayuh kamya manena dharmartha sukha sadhanam |Ayurvedopadesheshu vaidyeah paramdharaha|”

“ hitha ahita sukham dukham ayuhu tasya hita athitam|Maanam cha yatroktham Ayurveda sa uchyathe|”

Ayurveda is a said as complete advice, given by vaidya’s which will man attain his purusharthas. It is science that explains wholesome unwholesome happy and unhappy life.


It has always been scriptures and elders who have solved the unanswered questions of all generations. It is because Ayurveda answers many of the unanswered questions in the current scenario; that its relevance has resurfaced. Many wonder how a 5000 year old science can compete with current bio and nanotechnology. To be honest even the latest research has only scathed the surface of what is mentioned in texts. More the research more support to Ayurveda .  For example acharyas stated existance of beeja,  beeja bhaga,  and bheeja bhaga avayava millenia ago; but it has lapsed only two hunderd years since we are able to comprehend the concept of cell nucleus, DNA, and chromosomes.

Another  rather simple fact is that the drugs haven’t changed action in millennia. Harithaki (Terminalia chebula) then and now has shown the same effect.

We also realized the comprehensiveness of the science when we understood that after around 60 years of  modern cohesive deliberation; we are yet to define health better than the 5000 year old science.  The definitions of health according to WHO itself has been evolving over the years. Initially health was defined in negation, simply as the absence of disease. Later in the 1990’s it was defined as “a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, spiritual and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. In 2000 BC Sushrutha defined it in a simple couplet as

“samadosha samagni cha sama dhatu mala kriya| prasanna atma indriya manaha swastha ithyabhidheeyathe| ” (Sushrutha Samhitha, sutra sthana 24 th chapter )

It clearly explains that that health is and indicator of well being of Physical Form , the meta physical form , the mental and sensory aspects of existence . it is still an irony though how we expect a pill to cure the disease.

With the occurrence of lifestyle disorders becoming more and more common the relevance of multidimensional approach and lifestyle changes is never been so important.Ayurveda states no matter what the treatment, unless “pathya” or food and lifestyle discipline is followed the medicine will not work.  To this day Ayurvedic prescriptions are written wherein lifestyle modifications are advised along with the medications and are expected to be followed in tandem.

We can understand the basic principles of Ayurveda in the coming articles.



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